...the story of us...
We thought it would be nice to share with you our entire story. Yes, it is so incredible to say "WE", and yep, from the very beginning up to now:
Nowhere in Africa
a story of God's two children seeking Him and finding each other. Our hearts cannot be fully revealed through an email, however, we are sharing these blessings God has given us through each other, hoping that you will also be blessed and encouraged.
We are sure that you we enjoy it. But to prepare you, it is quite long and requires a jolly mood and caramel popcorn (or any other yummy snack). One day it will be showing on the big screen, so consider all of yourselves editors and publicists.
God bless you and draw you closer to Himself,
Mukama Asiimwe (Praise the LORD)
Matthew and Crystal Kehn <>< (well maybe not yet, but it's close enough)
I love East Africa, especially Uganda, and have been there four times. It continued to become home to me as I grew in my personal relationship with God, matured in ministry and fellowshipped with friends and families. The only thing holding me back from working and serving Christ full-time in Uganda was finishing my degree at Trinity International University and receiving a simple piece of paper enabling me to get a higher paid job and step up the ladder in societal structures. I was just itching to serve in the world, as wonderful memories overwhelmed my mind daily. Finally it was my last year at TIU, pushing through schoolwork and looking forward to graduation, which meant freedom to return to Uganda and minister throughout East Africa. The plans were already set to serve Christ in Uganda for the entire summer of 2004 and finalize full-time plans within the next year. However, God would be continuing to show me His plans, blessing me beyond imagination.
My first trip to Uganda was the summer of 2004, between High School and college. I returned to the states to start college at Moody Bible Institute in downtown Chicago, with a passion to return to Uganda as soon as I finished my education. The Lord had given me a heart of unquenchable compassion for orphans in Uganda. I had intended to get a degree in music; however, God's plans were bigger and better than mine, so 6 weeks into my first semester I switched to the Children's Ministry program. When I shared with my mother my desire to work with children in Uganda, she cried happily saying she always knew God was calling me to work with children in need and reminded me that when I was very young I would pray for the children who were suffering in Africa. God's calling on my life was established before time and He is helping me see it. Psalm 40:5 says, "Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you." And that is what He has been revealing to me these last four years, one step at a time.
As I continued to press through school, seeking God and growing so much, I decided to visit my best friend Sean at Moody Bible Institute. We went to Starbucks to catch up on life and to pray for each other. Before we went in Sean saw a fellow student inside and smirked slyly, saying "dude, she's been to Uganda." I knew exactly what he was meaning, as all my friends had been trying to set me up like this for the past two years. He introduced me to his friend. Her name was Crystal Marsh. She was beautiful and outgoing (I still remember exactly what she was wearing), we briefly chatted about Uganda and then Sean and I left to talk. I simply thought of her as a nice friend who may potentially join the summer mission team to Uganda. A few weeks later we ran into each other at a party of mutual friends. I was leaving just as she arrived. We warmly greeted each other, and then I left to hang out with friends from Arizona.
My second year at Moody a guy named Sean came to the school and we both sang with the Chorale. In one of our first introduction conversations I told him that I had been to Uganda and immediately he starts raving to me about his best friend who had just been there. So, Sean tells me that I just HAVE TO meet this friend of his and I'm thinking, "What are the odds of that happening?" Two years later, I'm sitting in Starbucks reading for school and suddenly someone is banging on the window in front of me. It's Sean, he's pointing frantically and mouthing the words, "This- is- him!" My first impression: first of all, he had his hair in dreads (that I thought were so great), but even more, these striking blue eyes that radiate the joy of the Lord. Matt and I were introduced and talked for a little bit about the possibility of me joining the summer team for 2004, and that was about it. Sean urged me to ask for Matt's number and I told him that wasn't my job. Later, I beat myself up for that and so did my best friend who I told about our introduction. That night I called my mom. I needed her advice; I had to tell her about this guy I met, could he be the one? A few weeks later I went to a party and when I walked in, there he was, standing in the doorway. I went to the living room to greet others, so as not to appear too excited that HE was there, and when I had mustered the courage to ask if we could exchange contacts, he had gone. Realizing I might never see or talk to him unless I did, the next few weeks I was hounding Sean with voicemails and emails asking him to give me Matt's contact info.
A few weeks later I received a phone call. It was Crystal. I wondered how she got my number, but figured Sean had given it to her. We talked for a while, discussing the summer mission opportunities and our ministry focus. We planned to meet one day at Moody to talk more about the past mission trips and future vision. We walked to a sandwich place, she was seriously supernaturally beautiful. I can still envision her walking down the Chicago streets on that day, confident, fun, modest. Any guy would be stupid to not see her beauty. So maybe I was attracted to Crystal, yeah, but that was solely physical, which is superficial. I did not want that, I simply wanted to get to know her better as friends. Nothing more, but I had so many questions. Things seemed to be fitting together, but did they? I had been seeking God passionately and did not want anything to conflict with that. And I desired so strongly for Crystal to have pure and Christ-centered motives for joining the mission team. I decided quickly to suppress any flirtatious feelings and attraction to Crystal. But every once in a while things slipped out.
I finally got a hold of Matt one afternoon and we planned to meet to talk about our past trips and the one he was planning on taking the next summer. I have to be honest, I already knew that I was attracted to him and I prayed the night before our meeting that God would guard my heart. Our meeting seemed really formal to me; Matt was all business, as far as I could tell. We even shook hands when we parted ways. But that evening he got online and started asking me so many questions about myself, and talking about giving me a nickname, like we were going to be best friends or something. Whoa! I wasn't sure what to make of these mixed signals, and I wouldn't know for at least another eight months. So, our new friendship continued through our computer keyboards until Christmas break when we would see each other again.
We talked together every once in a while, especially through AOL Instant Messenger. College students are always around the computer, and there are always needs for study breaks, so we would talk about life, school and Uganda. I called her for Christmas to say hi and see how she was. There was something special growing, I didn't call everyone to wish them Merry Christmas. We were both going to be in Chicago for New Year's Eve, so we made plans to meet downtown with some of my best friends. I was attending the college mission conference Urbana, and had an incredible experience of growing in missions and my personal relationship with God. He spoke to me in so many ways and was preparing me for ministry. It was at this conference that He personally confirmed my full-time calling to Uganda. As I traveled up to Chicago to meet Crystal and my best friend Ben, his wife Marcy and their friend, I grew both excited and nervous. I hadn't seen Ben and Marcy in so long and totally looked forward to that... and Crystal would be there. It was like this inner battle of wanting to be attracted to Crystal, but knowing that I could not let my heart run away with my emotions. All of us had so much fun together, especially as I humiliated myself playing board games. I tried to mix gestures and catch phrase at the same time. If you try it, it may not work too well, but everyone will be dying of laughter. It was a great New Year's; wonderful friends, tons of fun and simple. Crystal met my parents the next day; everyone clicked. I could tell my family loved her. After she left with a friend, I talked with my family. They knew something was up, its not everyday I bring a friend home, especially an incredibly beautiful girl who loves Uganda! We got together and prayed for God's direction and guidance in the situation, for God to protect both of us and keep us in His will.
Matt called me while I was in Texas for a few days to wish me a Merry Christmas and since I would be back in Chicago for my internship, we discussed getting together for New Year's Eve with some friends of his who would also be in town. That evening Matt, and three of his friends came to pick me up. We all went out to eat and then back to my place to play games (Matt was thoroughly entertaining and that's a story in itself). After midnight we all drove up to Matt's parents house to sleep and hang out New Year's Day. I was the first to wake up to the smell of brewing coffee in the morning, and that's when I met his parents. There is just something about being in a house when you've been living in a dorm room for four years, but this one had something special about it that made it home. I stayed all day and a friend of mine from Moody joined us for lunch and more games in the afternoon. She and I hadn't talked a whole lot about Matt, but as we left and we were out of earshot from the house, she told me I had to chase this one, but I've never been the chasing kind of girl.
The subconscious battles raging behind the veil of my own ignorance were like a stirring volcano waiting to erupt with emotion and passion. Myself was being divided behind my back. I desperately wanted to pursue romance with Crystal, but also desired to wait and see who she was, how God created her, and how she would allow Him to use her for ministry in Uganda. Was she just another American girl who likes to go on short mission trips and help people? Or was she seriously sold out to Christ and giving her whole self to Him as a spiritual act of worship? Did she know where God was directing her? Did she know and pursue Him above all others? Thousands more questions flew through my mind. I wanted to know her. I also wanted to protect my heart, to only be given away in God's plan. So I didn't allow myself to dwell on all of this, it would happen if it was His desire. Crystal and I continued to meet with the rest of the team (about 12 people) every once in a while for mission meetings.
We met for the training meetings to prepare for the summer 2004 trip, and I wasn't even sure until February that I would be going with this team. I was hooked when I found out Juna Amagara Ministries (Saving Life), was opening a children's home, and I could serve there in the summer. There were a few times that Matt came downtown to meet other friends from Moody so we would meet also. I was completely convinced though, that this guy did not even see me, because he was so focused and single-minded on ministry, that I had pushed the thought of anything developing further than friendship not totally out, but to the back of my mind. Near the end of my final semester I was online at my computer and Matt's sister started talking to me. I don't really remember how she got my screen-name, but I thought it was cool that she wanted to talk to me since we had met once before. She said she was going to be in town and wondered if I'd be free to get together for dinner. We had such a great time, fellowshipping and sharing prayer requests and experiences, like old friends really. My friends thought it very interesting that she was interested in befriending me. Still, I tried not to think anything of it.
The semester was ending, finally. I was still trying to push through to the end and finish strong with finals and papers. But it had been an incredible semester of personal maturity in ministry and my relationship with God. Karl Anderson, my good friend and soccer teammate, and I bonded during the year. We had an extended fasting and prayer time, where God used us to support, strengthen and challenge each other. During that time my mom asked if I thought Karl would like to go to Uganda this summer. From that instant I knew he would. One day at school I asked Karl, he already knew I was going and was familiar with missions. He immediately agreed. We didn't need to go to God in prayer for direction. Every moment of our lives was in deep communion with God. We both knew that this was His plan. I truly understood what it means to "pray continually." So Karl, Crystal and I prepared for the trip. Karl and I were leaving early to prepare the ministry, start the programs and join an International Prayer Retreat. Karl and I raised all of our support, but Crystal still needed more than half the amount. With only a few weeks left, we didn't even know if she was going to get all the funds to be able to go. Karl and I went to Uganda with that question in our minds. I was so looking forward to seeing her in Uganda, and getting to know her better through the mission trip. So I asked God bluntly if she was going to come. He said she was going to make it. He didn't tell me how. But I didn't care that was enough for me. I knew she was coming.
Getting to Uganda was an ordeal in itself, but it was all God's plan and He worked in His ways, not mine, to provide for me to get here. Only three days before leaving did I have all the support I needed to come. Matt and some others had left the states a few weeks before me, so they were already there when the rest of us arrived. We all met at a home in Mbarara. I surprised myself at how excited I was to see him. Matt went around and hugged every single person in the room before coming to me. Then he sat in the chair next to me while I shared the story of God miraculously raised the rest of my support, and when I finished he exclaimed, "I knew you were coming! I didn't know how, but I knew you were coming!"
The whole team was now in Uganda. Karl and I had seen God do incredible things already, and we were so excited to see what He would continue to do through the ministry. Crystal was there, beautiful and full of life, ready for anything that God desired. Throughout the first weeks of the ministry it was amazing to see her heart for Uganda and especially children. The children flocked to her golden hair and beaming smile. They loved her, and she loved them. God used everyone in great ways, definitely out of our comfort zones. We shared the gospel in many schools, churches, refugee camps and everywhere we went. My attraction for Crystal continued to grow as I saw her in ministry and as we all grew closer as friends. The team was unifying as we were challenged in many different areas. We also had great, joyful times becoming a family. I shared with Karl my growing feelings for Crystal as I started to realize that they had always been there. I wanted to know Crystal, but more than that I wanted to know God and to do His will. I was praying intensely for His direction in our friendship. I did not want anything to negatively affect the ministry or the team. So again, I suppressed all these intense feelings and desires. But that just made them grow stronger.
The next day we were all to be traveling together for a mission to Kishanje but Matt and Karl got an invitation to stay and do ministry in Mbarara. I was disappointed, but also excited that they had another chance for ministry. The joy of having a large team is that more people can be reached! A few days later we met up again in another town for ministry at different schools then we all went to eat dinner. Matt sat next to me at the restaurant. We talked about how beautiful Kishanje is and he said Ben, our team leader, told him he could use his house there for his honeymoon! AH! Why in the world did he tell me that!? I tried my hardest to have zero reaction, but in my head I had this crazy thought, "I'm gonna be there."
The team was always busy. There was so much ministry to be done and God was working powerfully. Thousands of people were hearing the love of God in Jesus Christ and being challenged to live for Him. Through all of this I also made the most of any moments I could hang out with Crystal. Whether it was in the van, a house, or restaurant, whenever we were together, it was special. But every time we were together I was nervous, that never happens. And I couldn't control myself, I felt out of my body as I talked to her. Good thing I have the Holy Spirit in me, or who knows what stupid stuff would have come out of my mouth. I calmed down a little bit when I saw a similar look and quiver of nervousness in her voice. As we traveled from one area to the next for ministry, there was a lot of time in our 14-passenger van. We would sing, pray, read, sleep, eat and have fun. On one of those days designated for a long haul, I decided to take my youth ministries experience and apply it by creating a fun game. At least I hoped it would be fun. I quickly grabbed my bible and asked Karl to pick a number between 1 and 66 (the number of books in the Bible). I would count down to the book chosen and then ask for a choice of a number between how many chapters it had, then the same with verses. Finally I would read the random verse chosen through inconsequential numbers as the "verse of the minute." Some were inspirational, others humorous (like II Kings 6:29), then I asked Crystal...
God has a great sense of humor. All the while, I'm trying to tell myself to not read into anything and push any affection for Matt as far as possible because he doesn't have any for me. But the next day we were playing a game Matt had just made up and we called it "The Verse of the Minute." It was my turn. Matt had his Bible and told me to pick a number between 1 and 66. Randomly I said, "22," and as he counts to that book he laughs a little to himself. Then I chose a number between 1 and 8, "6." And finally I pick between 1 and 13, "5". And He proceeds to read, looking straight into my eyes, "You are beautiful, my darling, as Tirzah, as lovely as Jerusalem, majestic as troops with banners. Turn your eyes from me; they overwhelm me. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead." It was Song of Solomon 6:5! Once again, I try to mask any reaction. But it was difficult. It had to be pure coincidence, right? So, we had a good laugh, until later this verse comes up again in another conversation.
What?! Song of Solomon. I had just counted down 22 books, the number Crystal chose. "O boy, here we go." So I asked for both numbers to find the chapter and verse (22-6-5). Hiding the view to my Bible as I previewed what this X-rated book would give me as the verse of the minute. No one knew where it was coming from. So I previewed the verse, it was wholesome enough, but…but destroyed every barrier I had built up to keep in all my emotions. "Turn your eyes from me, they overwhelm me." That is exactly how I am feeling, written thousands of years ago to taunt me as I read this verse because of a silly little game I made up so that God could laugh with His angel buddies over this ironic randomness. Well it wasn't random at all. No, it wasn't coincidence. It was a divine spark to finally explode the fire of my heart for Crystal and bring to both of us the realization of the other. But I played it off as if nothing happened, just a fun game with a funny coincidence. But the rest of the nights Karl and I talked and prayed for hours. I was just letting everything out, and he was helping me sort through it all and bring it before God. "How could a girl do this to me? Why do I have these intense feelings? I have been seeking you alone, LORD, is this your perfect plan, your incredible blessing? Not my will, but yours."
There was a small team going to Tanzania for ministry for a few days and on the itinerary I was listed with that team, along with Matt. Change of plans, Ben tells me that he wants me to go with the group to Kampala to speak in schools there. It is very exciting, and I'll admit probably a little less distracting. But Kampala was where things really got crazy for me. I had an amazing dream, and I was just dying to tell someone but couldn't. It was so revealing of what was going on inside me, and in Matt. In my dream, I was still in bed and was woken up by this bright light at the door and a silhouette coming down and kneeling beside me. He whispered sweetly in my ear, "I love you, I love you, I love you." I knew it was Matt, and as I stirred he ran from the room. I chased him outside around the house and then into another house where I found him with the rest of the team. I was searching his eyes, his whole being for any clue of his affection and confession, but I saw nothing. The next morning I remembered the dream, and all the emotions I had been shoving to the back of my mind for months were suddenly plastered to my sleeve and I was doing everything I could to hide them from everyone else for the next couple of weeks. When the team reunited, I would look forward to seeing him every day, and loathe saying goodnight.
The ministry continued as the team traveled through Uganda and East Africa for conferences, evangelism, discipleship, fellowship and encouragement. The team was preparing to return to the United States. I planned to remain behind and follow-up the ministry we had done by visiting the schools, churches and individuals throughout the country; and also continue reaching out. Crystal had also decided to stay and work with the new Juna Amagara children's home. So as the team returns to Kampala, the capital of Uganda, in order to go back the states, Crystal and I are asked to stay in Jinja for another day to preach at a spiritually lukewarm church. I was totally excited. It would be a time to really be with Crystal and minister together without any pretenses. It truly was an amazing time as I preached in two services and Crystal shared her testimony in-between. God worked greatly, hundreds came to dedicate their lives to Christ in repentance. Thoughts were flying again. She could be my intimate partner, supporter, encourager and exhorter. What an amazing experience, I could do this for the rest of my life with her.
I was going to Jinja to meet some friends of mine from my trip in 2000. It was the weekend before the whole team was leaving for the States. I met many others and one man said straight out to me, "You have a calling here." I was already sure of this, but God was really dealing with me because I had been telling Him that I would go, but there were all these hidden "ifs." One of those ifs I was hanging onto was getting married. He was searching my heart and teaching me to let go of all my ifs and cling only to Him, and then He would fulfill all my needs. There was a final invitation to preach at a church on Sunday. So guess who came to Jinja with me? At this point I had seen him speak in a few schools, and that Sunday we went to a church where he shared the gospel in the services and I gave my testimony. Each time he would preach, whether in a school, a church or to individuals, it amazed me the way the Holy Spirit uses him. My admiration for him grew so much when I witnessed what God could do through him when he was completely surrendered to Him. I also found myself loving just being present as a partner of his ministry. Even when I was just sitting on the side, I wanted him to know that I was supporting him. Eek! That kind of freaked me out. I tried to reason my way out of it, because I still was so sure that he had no feelings for me. Matt and I stayed with a family in Jinja, and after church we went home for lunch. I loved watching him with their kids. So, there we were having this tickle fight with two little girls and all of a sudden he's tickling me and trying to get them to join in. "Snap out of it, Crystal!" I had to tell myself, because again I was thinking there could be something developing in him toward me. That evening we caught a bus back to Kampala to join the team the night before they left for the states. Here's how far gone I was...all I can remember from the bus ride is that Matt got pick-pocketed before getting on the bus and I was afraid it would leave him, and then during the bus ride, he touched my hand.
We returned to Kampala in order to say goodbye to the rest of the team. That night I stayed with one of my Ugandan mentors, Denis Ndyabowe and his wife Alice. He works with youth through the Navigators with great wisdom and a forward personality. Karl and I all talked openly about the entire situation like we always did. Denis also joined in and with the smallest amount of information he said, "You are finished!" We all laughed, and I smirked shaking my head, knowing that he was totally right. I was finished. There was no escape, I was done. This is exactly what God was showing me. I had to cast down my own plans, dreams and crucify myself, only to live through Him. It was God's plan and purpose to bring Crystal and I together and give me these overwhelming desires and passions. Now I had to share this with Crystal. "But I don't even know how she will react to it. I figured there might have been some attraction from her at the beginning of our friendship. But now it is so much later I am sure she has moved on. I have no idea what she will do or say, but I have to tell her, I have to share everything with her. I want to know her and be known by her." I resolved to ask her to accompany me to Kenya as I visit old friends and families from the school I attended during Spring 2003. After a day of hesitation, Crystal agreed. The next day the team returned to the US and Crystal and I prepared for Kenya, leaving that afternoon around 3:00pm.
June 28th the rest of the team left and I had been anticipating feelings of abandonment and loneliness. I knew that Matt would be traveling a lot. A few days before the team left he asked if I would think about going to Kenya with him. I did not read into the invitation at all. I decided to go because I knew it would be out of his way to take me all the way back to Mbarara, a 10 hour round trip. So, when the team left we had a few hours in the capital city of Kampala while we waited for our bus to Nairobi. I sent an email to friends and family and we ate at a pizza place. Matt kept doing things that day, for example, holding on to my elbow or the small of my back as we would cross the street. I started thinking, I wish he would stop that, because I was certain he didn't mean anything by it. He was just ignorantly playing with my emotions. Boy, was I wrong, and I'm so glad I was.
The team was gone. I was now my sister's keeper, being more familiar with the surroundings, culture, language and travel. And I loved it. I was the protector, the provider, the leader. We boarded the bus and soon were on our way through the beautiful landscapes of a mysterious and pure land. The passing trees, rocky hills, distant mountains, dense foliage, and the beautiful woman seated beside me all sing of the amazing Creator. She was a woman, given to Christ, serving Him and loving others. I knew that this is what I desired. We were one in Christ and His mission, specifically to Uganda. This was the time, I must tell her today. It takes over twelve hours to ride from Uganda to Kenya. It was a lot of time to talk with Crystal, read, pray and ask over and over again, "IS THIS THE TIME?" After God answered yes about 20 times, I decided it meant yes.
It was the bus ride, in the middle of nowhere in Africa. For the first nine hours of this bus ride, I kept thinking, "What am I doing here?" Sometimes I'd look at Matt, realizing I've only known him for a year and suddenly found myself on a bus to Kenya with him. "Who are you?" At around midnight, on that dark, freezing cold, drafty bus my questions would be answered. We had been chatting most of time until Matt got his Bible out and sat quietly for a little while. It was way too dark to read, but I let him be. A little while later he hands me his Bible and shines his camera light on the page and tells me to read. Yeah, Song of Solomon 6:5. He told me that he didn't think it was merely coincidence that I chose this verse a few weeks earlier because it was exactly how he had been feeling about me. I'll be honest, I had some thick, tall walls up and I thought he was playing a cruel joke, throwing a goofy coincidence back in my face, until he continued long enough that I realized he really was speaking from his heart. I won't give you the line-by-line dialog, but there were so many things said that spoke directly to the prayers I had prayed for him for so long. This conversation was not about seeing where things might go; it was one that we both shared how we know where this is going. There were no doubts and there remains to be none. We are where God wants us, together.
Nowhere in Africa has led to everywhere we go, together. From that one night, God continues to bind our hearts together and prepare us for His plan for our lives. We are getting married on February 26th, 2005 in Texas. And let me now refresh you memory. We finally selected this date after changing it many times for numerous different reasons. Do you remember the numbers Crystal chose for "The Verse of the Minute" game? They were 22, 6, and 5. 2-26-05 = February 26th, 2005. I told you that those numbers are more than just coincidence. So I figured this out after we chose this date. I thought it was pretty cool and another expression of God's sovereign plan. We are so excited to be getting married. After our honeymoon and the second reception in Chicago, we will be living in Arlington, Texas. We have purchased land in Mbarara, Uganda and will be building a house as we acquire the necessary funds. Crystal is working at The Body Shop, a natural beauty and bath store, and I will continue to work as a server with the Olive Garden, in order to pay bills and raise money for full-time ministry within the next year. Our plan is to be living and serving in Uganda within a year after marriage. We have been given positions through Juna Amagara Ministries (amagara.org) as the Director of Evangelism (Matt), and the Director of Children's Ministries (Crystal). Throughout the year, we will fundraise with churches and individuals to meet the necessary resources for full-time ministry.
Thank you for your love and support. We appreciate your continued prayer. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas please contact us at:
Matthew and Crytsal Kehn
237 Dunton Court
(682) 597-7916 (682) 597-7919
Please write to kehnsjam@yahoo.com for a monthly newsletter, requesting the newsletter with a detailed address.